February 6, 2012

An "Inside" Story: What's *Usually* in My Bag

I've always been more apt to hanging out with guys rather than girls because of my interests. (Cars, video games, sports, even other women!) But despite the countless similarities between my guy friends and I, I feel more conscious of my gender due to their constant asking of "Why does a girl always bring a bag?"

Huh. That got me stumped for quite a long while since I didn't like lugging around any type of bag except during school.

...But, that was a few years back. I've recently unlocked the achievement of making myself become more of a girl to be more presentable once I set foot on the career world. Even so, I still am puzzled as to the answer of my friends' query. Here are the contents my bag for instance (take note: I am not a ~*kikay*~ girl):

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