February 6, 2012

An "Inside" Story: What's *Usually* in My Bag

I've always been more apt to hanging out with guys rather than girls because of my interests. (Cars, video games, sports, even other women!) But despite the countless similarities between my guy friends and I, I feel more conscious of my gender due to their constant asking of "Why does a girl always bring a bag?"

Huh. That got me stumped for quite a long while since I didn't like lugging around any type of bag except during school.

...But, that was a few years back. I've recently unlocked the achievement of making myself become more of a girl to be more presentable once I set foot on the career world. Even so, I still am puzzled as to the answer of my friends' query. Here are the contents my bag for instance (take note: I am not a ~*kikay*~ girl):

  1. le bag, of course: I prefer sling bags.
  2. writing and drawing materials: Yes, I bring a lot of pens wherever I go.
  3. panda card case from Artwork: Christmas gift of a good friend. I keep Timezone cards, IDs, and other related stuff there.
  4. notebook and photocopies of readings: Since I'm still currently a student, I keep it in my bag so as not to lose them.
  5. Atenews writing/drawing/sketching/whatever pad: I'm a proud member of my college's school publication...and yeah, I use it for notes plus sketches!
  6. Post-its: One thing you should know about me is I absolutely love Post-its.
  7. Long purple wallet: Not much money in there at the moment.
  8. eyeglasses: I'm like Velma of Scooby Doo--can't see a damn thing without them trusty glasses. Been wearing them since 5th grade.
  9. earphones: The ones I currently have are OEM Beats by Dr. Dre. Primary reason why I bought it is because it's purple.
  10.  panda coin purse from Accessorize: I. Love. Pandas. (Isn't it obvious by the blog name?)
  11. Nigel, my iTouch: Currently sporting a purple Bunneh case. Also, I name my gadgets.
  12. tissue: For emergencies and uh, non-emergencies. Gotta be hygienic!
  13. cologne: A true woman never reveals her scent! *wink*
  14. purple umbrella: Due to the erratic weather here in Davao, it's best that I always bring one.
  15. hair brush and scrunchie: For quick hair fixes since my hair has never seemed to follow my wishes of it being tidy-looking.
  16. Kiara, my Kindle Touch: I might make a separate blog post about it. No proper case for it yet, gonna make a DIY one soon!
  17. Starbucks planner: Meh, yes. I'm one of the consumerists. I've become dependent on planners ever since it shaped up my being uberly disorganized.
  18. panda cellphone case from Ocean Park HK: Even if it's kind of beat up, I still love to use it.
  19. Apple charger: In case Nigel goes on a sudden death...battery death.
Quite a lot, eh? And through enumerating my stuff, I've thought of plausible answers to my friend's question: a woman needs to bring a lot more items compared to a man. What more can help a woman to organize her stuff than a bag. It's multipurpose as well--a woman can use it to beat the soul out of a potential rapist or pickpocket, a ~*fashyown*~ statement, and it can tie together the woman's outfit. It mostly involves superficial reasons so women who are reading this, take your pick.

As for my personal, personal answer? To make myself feel like Mary Poppins with her bag chock full o' surprises and unlimited stuff.

Wish I had that flying umbrella, though.


  1. Ohhh. It's my first time to hear about the Kindle Touch SBLF! :O You're super organized lage! Aking bag, ewan nalang. Maybe I should do a post like this. Compared to yours, my bag should look really cluttered and the items are really useless but I still bring them with me. Hahahaha! :))

    1. The Kindle Touch is for hipsters daw eh. :)) Ayna, super cluttered ako before, like with crumpled papers and all. Haha! :D

  2. Kindle's really handy. cool stuff you've got in your bag! you've got a lot though. haha. :) cute blog!

    btw, i have an ongoing giveaway on my blog. please do join if you haven't yet! thanks!


  3. Hehe, I named my iTouch too. Really nice blog btw!

  4. fun post girlie! wanna follow each other? x


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